Offline V/S Online
Joy of attending
offline and leaving online
Since there is a pandemic which is still lingering around
the world, due to which a lockdown had been imposed for around 7 months the whole
world had shifted to online mode of working, leaning etc. educational institutions
swapped to teaching online. Around 22nd March the lockdown was
announced and around January 4th the colleges slowly started re-opening.
Mr. Kapil from the Centre for Media studies was interviewed,
and this is what he had to say for the topic offline V/S online mode, “he preferred
offline more because student interaction with the teachers was more”. J.R Aaradhya a first year student
currently studying in Jyoti Nivas College had to say, “she preferred online
mode since there was not much physical interaction with people such as touching,
meeting them face to face”. Megha a third year student who is
currently studying in Jyoti Nivas College had to say “she preferred online mode
since the cases were increasing and is continuing to. She also had transportation
issues”. From the interview conducted on the people we can say that online mode
was preferred keeping in mind the situation prevailing. Due to various reasons
this decision has been observed which are cases spreading at a rapid rate,
meeting people is dangerous, stepping out is like inviting health problems,
etc. There are pros and cons of both the modes which has been mentioned. They are
during offline, you can concentrate better in class, grasp concepts better,
clarify doubts, engage in activities, spend time with friends etc. which is not
possible during online lecture. At the same time offline it is not possible to
maintain social distancing, wearing a mask is not possible at all times sanitizing
the entire campus on a daily basis etc.
It was observed that during online classes students were
least interactive and did not give much importance to online classes. Due to
this mode, it was difficult to believe students when they gave reasons for not
attending online lectures at times. One had to blindly go with the flow.
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